QUIZ: Texas Stock Exchange’s DEI board, CVS activist, Schwab’s new CEO, and Weight Watcher’s new CEO

Live from the Vanguard Whine Cellar, where the “wine” is spelled with an “h” because one of their clients is asking them to vote on a director, it’s an all-new terrific Tuesday edition of Business Pants. Joined by Analyst-Hole Matt Moscardi! On today’s bacon-dusted Audit Committee Chairperson called October 1st, 2024: A dumb ESG News Quiz!

Our show today is being sponsored by Free Float Analytics, the only platform measuring board power, connections, and performance for FREE.

  1. Texas Stock Exchange moves closer to launch with leadership team, board

    1. Texas Governor Greg Abbott said on Monday that the exchange will ensure that businesses have access to capital and that market participants have more choice.

    2. Leadership team: 22 people

      1. How many women?

      2. How many people of color?

      3. 7 directors have been named so far, how many are white dudes?

        1. How many are named Rick?

        2. How many of the Ricks were the former governor of texas and forgave the 200 BP oil spill as an “act of god that cannot be prevented?

  1. Major CVS shareholder plans activist push, will meet with management

    1. TRUE or FALSE: The last appointed CVS director, Scott Kirby, who joined the board in October 2023 has expertise and experience relevant to CVS?

    2. What percentage of board influence is tied up with directors over 70 years old with average tenure of more than a decade?

    3. How many of those directors have experience relevant to the operations of CVS?

    4. How many CVS directors are batting over .400 in earnings?

    5. When was the last year inventors even noticed the board at CVS?

    6. And finally, on which day of the fiscal calendar would CEO Karen Lynch earn pay equal to the median compensation of CEO workers?

  1. Charles Schwab CEO Walt Bettinger to retire at end of 2024, Rick Wurster to replace him

    1. Who is the true leader of The Charles Schwab Corporation?

    2. According to our data, what is the actual influence of Charles Schwab?

    3. Who is truly second-in-command after Charles Schwab, is it retiring CEO Walt Bettinger or future CEO Rick Wurster?

    4. What percentage of board influence is held by women who are not related to Charles Schwab?

    5. How many executive chairs does it take to oversee the Charles Schwab board?

  1. Fill in the date: Volkswagen ex-boss Martin Winterkorn has dieselgate trial suspended until WHEN due to ill health

    1. What year did Volkswagen admit to installing software to rig emissions levels in millions of diesel vehicles worldwide?

    2. What is the “ill health” that has caused a suspension of the trial?

  1. Spot the error in this headline: Elon Musk’s Nonprofit Settles Labor Board Case for $450,000

  1. WeightWatchers CEO is suddenly out of a job

    1. What is the name of the WW International CEO?

    2. Name two reasons why Sima might be “suddenly out of a job”

    3. Before she left the board, how many of WeightWatchers’ 9 directors were women?

    4. Sima stepped down with 28% board influence but the next 3 highest are all men with an aggregate 42% influence; who do you suspect is the interim CEO a man or a glass cliff woman?

    5. The interim CEO of WeightWatchers was formerly the CFO at which company?


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