THE GOOD GAME including carbon capture, EU ESG rules, and Tesla parking lots, plus E.L.F.’s “Richard” power on boards

Live from the ISS Decision Emulator 5000, where every answer is either “maybe” or “perhaps,” it’s an all-new terrific Tuesday edition of Business Pants. Joined by Ari The Data Queen and Analyst-Hole Matt Moscardi! In today’s combined CEO-Chair called May 14, 2024: The Good Game and the Top 5 List Throwdown show

Our show today is being sponsored by Free Float Analytics, the only ESG data platform to measure real board influence and diversity power gaps


E (for the nerds)

  1. World's Largest Vacuum to Suck Carbon From Atmosphere Turns On for First Time

    1. The plant, called "Mammoth" by Swiss company Climeworks, kicked off operations in Iceland on Wednesday. 

    2. At full capacity, the company claims the facility can suck 36,000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere annually, the equivalent of taking 7,800 combustion-engine cars off the road per year.

  1. Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023

    1. For the first year ever, renewable energy sources generated 30 percent of the globe’s electricity in 2023

  1. EU Issues New Rules for Funds Using “ESG” or “Sustainability” Names to Address Greenwashing Risk

  1. Landmark transmission reform could dramatically speed US energy transition

    1. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a sweeping reform to transmission grid planning, one that proponents say is a major, much-needed win for the effort to transition the country’s power sector away from fossil fuels.

    2. FERC’s action was praised by clean energy and climate advocates, who’ve been pushing the agency for years to craft a ​“strong rule” around long-term planning, with provisions they say are vital to build the tens of billions of dollars of new high-voltage power lines necessary to meet the country’s energy goals.

    3. They say the new rules will allow the U.S. to connect gigawatts of new clean energy projects to the grid, reduce power costs, and improve grid reliability across the country. 

S (Social and Stupid)

  1. Workers at the first Apple Store to unionize just voted for the first strike against the iPhone maker’s retail business

    1. The vote followed what the union called “over a year of negotiations with Apple management that yielded unsatisfactory outcomes.”

    2. According to the statement, the workers are seeking changes in what they call “unpredictable” scheduling practices and wages that align with the local cost of living.

  1. Emirates, the powerhouse Middle Eastern airline, is giving staff a bonus of 20 weeks' pay after a blockbuster year

    1. Emirates reported record profits of $4.7 billion for the last fiscal year, marking a 60% increase.

  1. Roaring Kitty is back on social media — and meme stock GameStop is soaring

G (for the geeks)

  1. Nintendo nominates 3 women to its Board of Directors

    1. If approved, they will join Asa Shinkawa, who became the first woman to join Nintendo’s board in 2020

    2. Prior to that, no women had been a part of the company’s senior management since its founding in 1889

  1. Today is Mark Zuckerberg's 40th birthday

  1. Tesla has so many unsold cars that it's storing them in an an abandoned mall parking lot


Integrated Oil & Gas Companies

  1. 24 companies: 3CA/3CN/3US/2GB

    1. Directors: 290

    2. 1 female chair Paula Fernanda Ramos Amorim

      1. Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. (family firm)


      1. Youngest director at 63


          1. 20% of the board named vicki

            1. Vicky Bailey

  2. Only 3 Run by dictator

    1. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (CN)

    2. Guanghui Energy Co., Ltd. (CN)




E.L.F. Beauty campaign - “There are more men named Dick (Richard, Rich, Rick) on publicly-traded boards than entire groups of underrepresented people” - “So many dicks, so few of everyone else”

I took the campaign to the next level, since even in talking about dudes named “Dick” they just COUNTED them. I looked at Dick Influence on the boards of global companies.

There are 552 companies globally with a Dick on the board that ISN’T a founder or family member of the founder.  Of those, 154 companies have Dicks on the board with more power than ALL the women on the board.


5. Spirit Realty Capital (REIT)

  • 29% Dick Powered

  • Dick to Female Power Gap: 2% more dick power than all women

  • Named Dicks: 

    • Richard Gilchrist, 29% influence, chair, LID, pay committee

4. CBIZ, Inc. (Research & Consulting)

  • 31% Dick Powered

  • D:F gap: 2% more dick power

  • Named Dicks: 

    • Richard Burdick (double dick!), 28% influence, chair, ex-LID, pay chair, nom committee, material related transactions

    • Richard Marabito, 3% influence, audit member

3. DNOW Inc (Trading and Distributors)

  • 43% Dick Powered

  • D:F gap: 34% more dick power!!

  • Named Dicks: 

    • Richard Alario, 43% influence, chair, ex-CEO, pay chair (pays himself!), nom committee, 

2. Ribbon Communications (Communications Equipment)

  • 53% Dick Powered

  • D:F gap: 37% more dick power!

  • Named Dicks:

    • Richard Smith, 53% influence, executive of controlling shareholder

1. Xpel Inc (Automotive Parts & Equipment)

  • 63% Dick Powered

  • D:F gap: 60% more dick power!

  • Named Dicks:

    • Richard Crumly, 63% influence, pay committee, nom chair, audit committee - not even an executive, but owns 5% of shares


  • Marketaxess, a financial data company with founder on the board, has the most with 3 Dicks on the board right now (with less than 3% influence - thanks founder dual class shares)


FRIDAY WRAP: Boeing’s AGM is embarrassing, ISS changes its stance on CEO pay, and E.L.F. Beauty’s Dick campaign


FRIDAY WRAP: Norfolk’s half win, Dorsey and the board, batteries in CA, child labor at McDonald’s, and woke vs. not woke food